The Itinerant

“If adventures will never befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad.”- Jane Austen (Quote from Northanger Abbey)

This blog chronicles my thirst for world travel. Although, I have only visited a fair amount of cities thus far, I intend to continue planning my next trip after another.  Not only am I in it to learn more about each city’s different culture but also to experience its uniqueness. I want to use this opportunity to share the joys and perils of my travels.

I have always wanted to see the world and experience different cultures but I never really had the guts to just travel someplace unfamiliar. Up until 2004, I have only gone to one other country and that was the Philippines. Thankfully, my cousin in Italy (whom I have never met) sent out invitations for her wedding. Since we haven’t seen my aunt and her family, we decided to go.  My sister and I spent 1 glorious month in Italy. It was the best and the worst of times for us. We overspent, overate and overindulged ourselves. It was one of the most hedonistic things my sister and I have ever done. We learned so much from and understood each other better after this trip. Thus, this experience was the beginning of our love/hate relationship with traveling.  There was love because our experience was priceless and it made us yearn for more. There was hate (in a good, loving way) because as much as we wanted to go travel whenever we want, we couldn’t because of life’s responsibilities and this thing called “adulting”.

Flash forward to Autumn 2007, that blissful summer of 2004 was finally matched with my 2 week solo trip to London, Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. Because I like to spend money and am such a huge Europhile, this became a yearly expenditure. I followed this trip with my sister in Spring 2008 to London and Paris (her first time and my second). Then came spring 2009 for yet another solo trip to London. As of to date, my latest trip to Europe was a 2 and half weeks in London and Portugal with my sister this past winter.

This blog will chronicle all of my trips beginning in 2007. I sure hope that you will find some, if not all of them insightful as I had intended to do in this blog.