The doors and store fronts of Edinburgh

As you probably already know, I am obsessed with doors, store-fronts, arches, and any type of weird/beautiful/creepy/mesmerizing portals that could either lead me to a magical place or the opposite. Edinburgh did not come up short with her collection of doors and store fronts. Allow me to display them for you. Here they are:  …

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Dream house on Swains Lane

When I say “dream house”, it’s more of a compound. We stumbled upon Holly Village after our cemetery visit. I immediately fell in love with this private hamlet. It’s gothic architecture and uniqueness make this place not only beautiful but also intriguing. It has an air of mystery about it. It’s so dreamy that you’d think it’s…

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The doors and store fronts of Notting Hill

Our yearly European jaunt commenced again this past winter. My sister and I spent 6 glorious days in our 2nd favorite city, London. We ate, shopped, walked, and repeated this cycle every single day that we were there. We spent the first 4 nights in Notting Hill and ended it at the Renaissance St. Pancras before jetting…

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