The doors and store fronts of Edinburgh

As you probably already know, I am obsessed with doors, store-fronts, arches, and any type of weird/beautiful/creepy/mesmerizing portals that could either lead me to a magical place or the opposite. Edinburgh did not come up short with her collection of doors and store fronts. Allow me to display them for you. Here they are:  …

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It’s never too late to talk about Edinburgh

I am finally sharing one of my most memorable trips from 2015. Here goes… After years of planning and thinking about going to Edinburgh, it finally happened. My sister, friend, and I decided to go to Edinburgh and rent an Airbnb apartment off Leith Street. It was so close to everything that we didn’t need to…

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Dream house on Swains Lane

When I say “dream house”, it’s more of a compound. We stumbled upon Holly Village after our cemetery visit. I immediately fell in love with this private hamlet. It’s gothic architecture and uniqueness make this place not only beautiful but also intriguing. It has an air of mystery about it. It’s so dreamy that you’d think it’s…

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The quietest walk in London

  Call this morbid or macabre, but there is nothing like a languid walk in a cemetery that soothes my weary mind.  The eerie silence helps me hear myself, the sway of the trees, the birds, and the soft crunch of the moist soil and leaves beneath my feet. I suddenly become more aware of…

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The doors and store fronts of Notting Hill

Our yearly European jaunt commenced again this past winter. My sister and I spent 6 glorious days in our 2nd favorite city, London. We ate, shopped, walked, and repeated this cycle every single day that we were there. We spent the first 4 nights in Notting Hill and ended it at the Renaissance St. Pancras before jetting…

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Sketch-y Afternoon Tea

I have always thought of an afternoon tea as this lavish, indulgent meal. As a lover of all things exquisite, I do my best to go for an afternoon tea at home or whenever I am in London. This past winter, my friend, sister, and I took our afternoon tea to a whole new level….

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London on my mind

It’s been almost nine months since my last holiday in London. There are no words to describe how much I miss that magical place. To those who know me, they think of my as an enormous Anglophile. So naturally, I make it a point to spend at least three days in London every year. I…

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Jane Austen Land

Jane Austen as sketched by her sister Cassandra “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” This famous line opens the book “Pride and Prejudice”. After reading this line, I already knew that I was destined to become a lifelong…

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Freeze me gently (Part Four)

Can’t feel my toes 🙁 I checked out of the hotel early the next day. My train was scheduled to leave at 12:30pm and according to the Eurostar agent I spoke with the night before, there shouldn’t be “anymore” delays. But err on the side of caution and arrive fashionably early. I arrived at St….

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Freeze me gently (Part Three)

My hot mulled wine I was so excited when I woke up the next day because my family was going to join me and I couldn’t wait for my parents to experience London (my sister had been here in 2008). I decided to head back to Central London and hang out at the Winter Wonderland….

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